Thursday, January 2, 2020

Best Jams of 2019

A large portion of what we’ll talk about on Two Cold Pops revolves around music. With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite jams from 2019. The internet is full of Best of 2019 lists right now, why not add another to the never ending noise.

Kevin and I are both avid listeners of music and have found over the years that we have a similar taste – most of the time. It’s funny, when we first became friends, we thought music would be the one thing we didn’t agree on. Kevin knew I liked acts like Bob Seger and The Beatles and I knew he was into heavy prog stuff like King Crimson and we didn’t take the time to look any deeper. As time went by we both realized there was more to each other’s musical tastes than just a few bands and slowly found groups we both liked. We called it our music Venn diagram. If you’re not familiar with a Venn diagram, it’s one of those things that looks like a Mastercard logo where you each put things you like in your individual circle and put the shit you both like in the overlapping part in the middle. You know what, if you don’t know what a Venn diagram is, you’re probably not smart enough to enjoy our blog. Go back to elementary school.

Anyway, the middle part of our diagram grew and grew over time to the point that it is now larger than either of the individual parts. Bands like Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin were there all along. Over time we have introduced each other to new acts we may not have found on our own. I got Kevin to listen to Arcade Fire (maybe my favorite band going right now) and we ended up seeing them live at DTE. It was definitely my favorite concert experience of all time. Seriously, go see Arcade Fire if you get the chance. Kevin has turned me onto a number of bands, including All Them Witches, who we have seen multiple times and always enjoy.

The meatiest part of our Venn diagram has to be a band that will make an appearance below, Kalamazoo’s own, The Go Rounds. We saw them randomly at some free show in Ann Arbor in 2017 and have been obsessed ever since. We go see them every chance we get, which is often since they are local, and have both contributed money to the cause of getting their music out there. They really are a phenomenal band with a large catalog of eclectic songs. Listen to The Go Rounds, you will not be disappointed. Do it now.

History lesson complete, here are my five favorite songs from 2019.

1.   Social Cues – Cage the Elephant

This song is a banger. Many people have caught me dancing in may car to this song at stop lights. I have been a sort of tertiary fan of these guys for a while now. I knew some of their radio stuff, and liked it, but never went much deeper. This song got me into them in a real way and I will be exploring their entire catalog now.

2.      Bali – The Go Rounds

I think I’ve already expressed how much I love this band. Whatever You May Be is hands down my favorite album of 2019. There are a few songs from that record that could be in this spot, but Bali was one I always came back to when thinking about these guys. There is something mystical and catchy about it that really gets me going. Probably the best way to describe most of their music.

3.      Running Up That Hill – Meg Myers

This is a cover of a Kate Bush song from the eighties. I didn’t know that. I didn’t even know who Kate Bush was before hearing this song. I do know that the 2019 version of this song is a powerful, synthy delight.

4.      Lo/Hi – The Black Keys

Another banger. Everyone knows about The Black Keys, so just listen to them do their thing and enjoy. Car dancing is encouraged.

5.      Poison the Well – Modest Mouse

I love this band. I love everything they do. There were other songs I might have put here, but I couldn’t leave Modest Mouse off my list. Everything these guys do just gets into me and stirs up all kinds of shit.

Honorable Mention

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